Dutton & Co provides solely financial planning services regarding the general structure of clients’ wealth. Dutton & Co does not provide investment advice and any advice provided does not refer to investments falling under the scope of Regulation 600/2014 (MiFIR), and Directives 2004/39 (MIFID I) and 2014/65/ΕΕ (MiFID II) and pertinent legislation in force.

Furthermore, Dutton & Co does not provide legal or tax advice of any kind.

  The decision to proceed with any specific action weighs solely on the client and Dutton & Coshall in no case be liable. 

We collect only the necessary information in relation to our clients that are necessary for performing our contractual obligations towards the respective client and or obligations towards the authorities.

Such information is provided only by the client and covers the personal and financial status of the client and his / her financial aims.

We understand that all such information constitutes personal data of the client as defined in GDPR and in relation thereto the following shall apply:

  • Clients’ Personal Data may be stored in written or electronic form. We shall take all reasonable steps (including but not limited installation of proper electronic programs) to avoid unauthorized access to such information;
  • Clients’ Personal Data shall be confidential and shall be disclosed to third parties only upon written request of the client or in cases where disclosure to a competent authority is ordered by a competent Court or authority;
  • All Clients have access to the data we have on them, as well as the right to correct them and/or request deletion.